Monthly Archives: July 2023

Smoothie ( — 31 July 2023)

A furry family member went to Cat Heaven today. Smoothie did not live with us at Driekatfontein – she lived with my love – but she was also my family, and I loved her dearly. No one knows how old she was, but I always teased her that she had nineteen lives and was the ultimate survivor. She was spirited; her vet file came with a warning. We visited the vet regularly to make sure that her quality of life remained high despite diverse health- and age-related vulnerabilities. The estimate is that she was at least seventeen. When she started losing weight again earlier this month, it was difficult to believe that with the help of our wonderful vet she would not bounce back as she did so many times before, defying all odds and expectations. But she was living her nineteenth life already, and it became clear very quickly that the time to say goodbye had arrived. She had a good life. She made our lives a lot better because of her determined, devoted, loving presence. We are hurting today and missing her unbearably, but we also know that Cat Heaven is a brighter, feistier and more purring place tonight, because Smoothie has arrived.

Driving Miss Smoothie

May you rest in peace, beloved Smoothie. I miss you so much …

Artistic longings

I recently participated in one of Gabriella Kaplan’s art workshops and LOVED the experience. If you ever thought of exploring your artistic longings, here is another opportunity:

I cannot recommend this enough. For a few weeks this was a space of exploration, musings, self-care, meditation and discovery. One of the things that I enjoyed the most was playing with a different medium than words. I love working with words, but there was something truly special about escaping into sculptures, images and collages for a few hours every week. I will let a few of the ones I created speak for themselves:

Through the workshops, I have also been inspired to continue creating visual artworks alone at home. A precious gift one can give to oneself.

If you are reading this, thank you, Gabriella! I hope to join another workshop in the near future.